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Finance Committee

Members of the Finance committee serve at the invitation of the Parish Priest.

The Parish Treasurer also represents the Parish of the Durham Martyrs on the Finance Committee of the Finchale Partnership

The Parish Finance Committee meets quarterly on scheduled dates and at other intermediate times as and when circumstances require. The location of the scheduled meetings alternates between St Bede's Presbytery and the Don Bosco Room at St Joseph 
A parishioner who would like clarification of any aspect of the parish finances may approach any member of the committee who will do his/her best to supply that clarification

Parishioners with a financial issue that they would like the Finance Committee to discuss should advise the Parish Treasurer of the issue 14 clear days before the date the next scheduled meeting so that all members can be given notice in advance of the meeting and sufficient time to undertake any research that they may need to undertake.  Issues raised without 14 clear days notice may at the Committee's discretion be deferred until the next scheduled meeting.

One important responsibility of the finance committee is to ensure that the weekly income of the parish is counted, recorded accurately and banked.  A rota of teams counters is maintained for this purpose by one of our committee members, Janet Nichols.  There is never enough people who allow their name to be put on the counters rota so if you think this is something that you can help with please give your name to Marjorie, our Parish Secretary and Janet will contact you. 

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