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St Godric's

After the 9 am Sunday Mass at St Godric's we serve tea, coffee and soft drinks along with cakes and biscuits in the Narthex.  Donations are gratefully accepted. At the moment the volunteers work every five weeks, though of course, we would be delighted for any new members as that would extend the rota. Usually, there are two people on duty and after serving the drinks etc they do the clearing up and see to the washing of the crockery and returning everything to its correct place. Happy drinking!

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St Joseph's
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St Joseph's Hospitality Group is run by a rota of willing volunteers who serve refreshments after 10:30am Mass at the back of church.  If you come to Mass at St Joseph's feel free to stay behind afterwards for a chat over a cuppa. We are always looking for groups of 2 to join the rota, so if you are interested in helping out (and it is a great way to meet people) ask one of the team or get in touch with us via the Parish Secretary.

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