We have a parish council meeting next Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any issues you’d like raised. Nothing trivial, mind you.
Our annual parish retreat is next weekend in Keswick. We look forward to it more and more each year.
Mary Harrison steps down from her role as Chair of The Buildings’ Committee. Can I thank Mary for the meticulous guidance she has given us over the years.
Our next International Meal is now planned. Please see the bulletin for further information.
I hope the two meetings for Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist were helpful to all who attended. I found them very helpful. Great suggestions that were helpful to me, too. Clarity for both ministries. As the sound advice given to a young curate by his PP echoes, ‘ know when to stand up, speak up and shut up’. New Mass Books are being ordered for both churches. Again, my thanks to those who so generously donated for this purpose, especially one very large donation.