We begin the Journey in Faith shortly. This has always been an important activity in the parish down the years. It has been an excellent route for many hoping to be received into the Church. It has also been an important means for those already in the Faith to develop a wider indepth understanding of the Catholic Faith. Do join us when we begin. Bishop Stephen blessed the foundations of St. Leonard’s as building begins soon. We welcome Brother Lucien to the Capuchin Community in the parish.
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Parish News and Announcements
Oct 18, 2024
Those fortunate enough to be at either concert at St. Godric’s last Saturday and Tuesday, will have appreciated the combined talents of the young men and women who shared their extraordinary talents. The music was uplifting on both evenings. Saturday’s attendance was almost capacity, whilst Tuesday’s could have been so much better attended.Nonetheless, the concert organiser was at pains to say that the girls were happy to sing,irrespective of numbers. And did they sing!!! A complete concert of religious music.Highlights probably being the song that came out of refugees hiding in the basement ofCologne Cathedral in WW2. It is a song of such extraordinary hope in the darkness of life(full details on the parish website and a link inside this bulletin). A word of thanks to ourhardworking Parish team, who co-ordinated the two events. A special thank you to JoeHughes, Kathleen Murray and Dorothy Wilson. For someone in their 90s to be the last to leave the building on Saturday night deserves all the accolades gets. Thanks Dorothy.
We begin a new Journey in Faith programme. All are welcome. Programmes for Confirmation and First Holy Communion also beginning (see bulletin).
“What’s going on there?”, is the question an incredulous Cleric asked me recently beforethe meeting began in the Jubilee Room. He wasn’t referring to the new structure, butthe road totally closed off at the bottom of our street. When I tried to explain, I could tellby his sceptical smile that he was not impressed
It is, however, a question that I am being asked increasingly. But such surprise tendsto come more from visitors to this area, indicating the unprecedented nature of thisroad closure. Intrusion onto the very footpath access is now obvious from the muddy path that is now emerging on the side of the building. No, the anger does not recede. A microcosm of society?
Oct 11, 2024
Sadly, Deacon Peter Lavery died after a short illness. Peter will be familiar to all those who participated in pre-marriage courses organised by the Diocese.
He was also very supportive in this parish at both St. Godric’s and St. Joseph’s leading funeral services, baptising and marriages. A straight talker, he was challenging but fair at clergy meetings. Always available to help, he will be greatly missed. He was the model of what the Ministry of the Diaconate is. May he rest in peace.
The catecheses for the Sacrament of Confirmation are now ready to roll out. Many thanks to those who are leading here.
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