At the most recent reflection meeting for Readers it was decided we would revert back to two readers at Mass from Easter 2025. It is important also to note that if reading in St Joseph's Church Fr. Colm has requested we access the sanctuary via THE RAMP and not cut across the altar.
Marjorie has circulated the next rota with 2 readers per Mass in effect. The easiest way to co-ordinate would probably be to have whoever is listed first reading the 1st Reading and The Psalm and whoever is second reading the 2nd Reading and the Bidding Prayers. If you are unable to read on your scheduled day please let Marjorie AND the other person on the rota with you know as they will then need to read ALL the readings at that Mass.
Updated suggested guidance for readers with information about having two readers at Mass and a cheat sheet can be downloaded at the end of this post.
Practicalities of Reading at Mass
There will be TWO Readers on the rota from Easter 2025. The FIRST Reader reads THE FIRST READING AND THE PSALM. The SECOND Reader reads THE SECOND READING AND THE BIDDING PRAYERS. If you are unable to read on your scheduled day please let Marjorie and the other reader know as they will read ALL THE READINGS IN THAT MASS.
(THE PROCESS IS EXACTLY THE SAME IF ONLY ONE PERSON IS READING AT MASS obviously without the need for anyone to sit down between readings
Coming up to Read
Both readers come up to the front together AFTER the COLLECT (Opening prayer) has finished.
Bow to the ALTAR together. If reading at ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH, please go up to the ambo(lectern) via THE RAMP.
Whilst the FIRST reader is reading the 1ST READING AND PSALM the SECOND reader is to sit on a chair at the side of the sanctuary near where the Altar servers sit. They then switch for the 2ND READING.
We DO NOT need to say “The first /second reading. The First/second reading is….”
We DO NOT need to read the italics beneath A Reading From….. This tells us as readers the theme of the reading.
We DO NOT need to say “The responsorial Psalm, the response is….” We just start with the Response.
When both Readers have finished reading, AFTER THE FINAL ALLELUIA, we come down from the ambo (via THE RAMP in ST JOSEPH’S) and bow to the ALTAR. We DO NOT need to bow or genuflect to the priest celebrating Mass. We then return to our seats.
Reading the Bidding Prayers
The SECOND READER goes up ALONE to read the Bidding Prayers. When reading the Bidding Prayers please count to five slowly in your head between reading the prayer and the response. This allows people time to pray for the intention.
For our own intentions and the intentions of those who have asked for our prayers.
Lord, in your mercy.
Stay at the lectern UNTIL THE END OF THE HAIL MARY then come down from the ambo (if in ST JOSEPH’S come down THE RAMP) and bow to the ALTAR and return to your seat.
Many thanks for all you do in the parish in this important ministry