There is no Eucharistic Service in St. Bede's Chapel on Monday February 24 th. There will be a service on Wednesday 26th at 9:15am
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Parish News and Announcements
On Sunday 9th March we'll be having our first International Lunch of 2025. You are all welcome to attend it at St. Joseph’s after the 10:30 am Mass.Feel free to bring some food to share and be ready to enjoy it with our lovely parish community. For more information feel free to join the WhatsApp group
Feel free to bring some food to share and be ready to
enjoy it with our lovely parish
For more information feel free to join the WhatsApp group
Children's Liturgy at St Joseph's will normally take a break during school holidays. This means there will be no sessions during Mass on Sunday 23rd February and Sunday 2nd March. We look forward to seeing the children when we resume on Sunday 9th March
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