Booking for Christmas Masses and weekend Masses up until the 2nd January 2022 is now CLOSED. From.2nd January booking for Mass will NOT be required.
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Parish News and Announcements
A note from the Bulletin:
The Bishop has advised that we can relax some of the restrictions in our churches, in line with many other Dioceses. Many of the existing restrictions will still apply and are listed here:
- Hand sanitiser – to continue to be used on entry and exit
- Masks – to continue to be worn unless a medical exception applies
- Social distancing – to continue to keep one metre between households in the same pew
The Bishop has also said that we are now able to use each pew, but we do need to keep to a safe distance from the people in front and behind so we must not kneel forward as this would bring us too close to the person in front. This change will mean that we can welcome more people into our weekend Masses, and especially the Christmas Masses. With this increase in allowed numbers, St Godric’s 90, St Joseph’s 120 we are also removing the need to book in for weekend Masses with effect from the first weekend in January. We realise that some may feel anxious with this increase in numbers, especially with the recent surge of the Omicron Variant, and if so, you might consider attending Masses during the week as an alternative, where fewer people attend.
Jul 16, 2021
The Government announced that we are moving to Step 4 of the Covid Roadmap from Monday 19th July 2021.
However, Fr Colm has decided that due to dangerously high Covid cases in our area, we will continue as we are until we await further advice from the Diocese. We will let you know as soon as possible of any changes. Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation in these difficult and everchanging times.
Please continue to book in for our three weekend Masses as we are still restricted to 44 and 59 places at St. Godric’s and St. Joseph’s respectively. Also, it would be of great help, if you are acting as a Minister, that you book in too, as you still need to be counted as an attendee for our weekly statistics.
The deadline for booking in is 2.00pm on Friday afternoon.
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