With a growing concern for the safety of our parishioners, we have taken the decision to cancel Masses and Private Prayer at St Godric's and St Joseph's churches.
Our plan is
No Masses or services from Sunday 10 January to Tuesday 19 January, apart from three scheduled funerals (15th, 19th and 22nd January)
Friday 15 January - review of the situation, looking at the figures on transmission of the virus in our area.
If the situation has improved sufficiently, then
Tuesday 19 January - the booking system re-opens for Masses for weekend Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 January, and weekday Masses resume.
Note that there are private funerals on Tuesday 19 January and Friday 22 January so the first public Exposition and Mass would be Wednesday 20 January.
If the situation remains a concern, continue with the closure, then
Friday 22 January, review again