As the lockdown comes to an end on Wednesday 2nd December, our final private prayer service will take place on Tuesday, 1st December at St. Godric’s.
We will then revert to our normal Mass schedule, starting with Mass at St. Joseph’s on Wednesday, 3rd December at 10.00am
As in pre-lockdown, masks will still need to be worn and you will have to give your name and contact details to the steward who is checking people in, but you do not have to book beforehand for weekday Masses.
Regarding Masses on the weekend of 5th/6th December, Marjorie will take bookings from Monday, 30th November.
During the lockdown, there can be no Mass/services in our churches. However, churches can remain open for private prayer, and below is a note of what arrangements have been made in the parish, commencing on Tuesday, 10th November.
At St. Godric’s, there will be private prayer with Exposition on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9.30am-10.30am.
At St. Joseph’s, there will be private prayer with Exposition on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30am-10.30am.
Masks will still need to be worn and you will have to give your name and contact details to the steward who is checking people in, but you do not have to book beforehand.