In accordance with government guidelines from Thursday 5th November 2020 all public Masses will be suspended until further notice.
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Parish News and Announcements
Oct 23, 2020
At our Masses last weekend our churches were at full capacity - both Sunday Masses were fully booked by midweek and the Vigil Mass had spaces to start with but became full when 17 people who had not booked a place arrived. While it is fantastic to see so many of you, we do now face the prospect of turning away people who have not made a booking. If the church reaches full capacity, we will have to ask anyone who turns up without a booked place to wait outside, to see if we have any no-shows. We can only offer a seat to these people at the last minute. For the safety of everyone, please: - book a place at the Saturday/Sunday Masses, do not rely on there being a place for you if you have not booked - aim to be seated a few minutes before Mass starts, so that your place is not given away at the last minute.
Oct 23, 2020
St. Godric’s 9:00 am Mass has been fully booked for Sunday 25th October. There are still places at both the 5 pm Saturday Vigil and 11:00 am Sunday Masses at St. Joseph’s. To book a place at either of these Masses please contact Marjorie by 2.00pm on Friday
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