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Parish News and Announcements  

The Novena in preparation for Pentecost has so far, been a revelation. To see the gifts of the Spirit manifested in the lives of participants is truly enriching. The simplicity of the evenings also add to their enjoyment. The real strength has been the stories, the life journeys on pilgrimages we all take. Those moments of change, conversion, call it what you like, when the Spirit touches our lives and we are redirected. “Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some people seem to think… It is wounding work, this breaking of the hearts, but without wounding there is no saving… Where there is grafting, there will always be a cutting, the graft must be let in with a wound; to stick it onto the outside or to tie it on with a string would be of no use. Heart must be set to heart and back to back or there will be no sap from root to branch. And this, I say, must be done by a wound, by a cut.” John Bunyan. On Sunday, 11th June, we will host a return of our International Meals. What is particularly good about this is that the request is coming from you – that is our growing International Community that is The Durham Martyrs’ Parish. Thank you for choosing to make this parish your home, and for bringing such gifts to us – you.


Our Parish Pentecost Novena begins tonight Tuesday 16th May 7pm in St Joseph's Church. Each evening will consist of an opening hymn, a prayer to the Holy Spirit, an appropriate scripture reading, a brief talk on a topic connected to the Holy Spirit and Exposition. Thursday 18th May's talk may be incorporated into Mass due to it being a Holy Day of Obligation and Mass being held at 7pm.

The talk for each evening is as a follows:

Tuesday 16 Fr Colm will open the Novena

Wednesday 17 Understanding and encouragement in faith

Thursday 18 Knowledge. Seeing Christ in our neighbour

Friday 19 Piety Personal witness to prayer

Monday 22 Fear of the Lord. Good work in daily life

Tuesday 23 Counsel and support in loss

Wednesday 24 Fortitude . Care of the sick and handicapped

Thursday 25 Wisdom and working in schools

Friday 26 Fr Colm will close the Novena

For those unable to attend these evenings you can view the order of service with the hymn and prayers here:

Pentecost Novena Order of service
Download PDF • 83KB


A directive from The Diocesan Health and Safety department states that any Parishioners undertaking Parish duties, and who are working in St. Joseph’s or St. Godric’s, or any other parish premises on their own, should have a contact strategy in place. This should include having a contact person to notify when going into the premises, informing them, how long they are going to be and informing them when they leave. The contact person should be available to check all is ok. If you do not inform them in the time specified that you are leaving, the Contact person may then feel it is appropriate to contact a member of the Buildings Committee whose details are on the notice board at the rear of both churches. Parish Buildings Committee May 2023

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