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Parish News and Announcements  

Holy Week is here. I hope you can join us for the services. The Penitential Service at St. Godric’s begins the celebrations. The Mini Triduum for the elderly and housebound is on Wednesday and then the Easter Triduum. Can I remind our readers at St. Joseph’s that the sound system needs improving. The hard of hearing are particularly struggling, Regarding Communion under both kinds, you will be asked at all Masses this weekend by a show of hands if we should restore the practice. This will not be a count but an effort to find out if and when we might restore the chalice to all. For the Sign of Peace, please don’t feel slighted or rejected by those near you who don’t wish to shake hands – its nothing personal. We’re all still treading cautiously post-Covid, if we are still post-Covid? Can I now wish you all a very Happy Easter. A special wish for a restful break to all our teachers.


A Celebration of the Mini Triduum for the sick and housebound has been organised for the Wednesday of Holy Week (5th April). This will take place at 2.00pm in St. Joseph’s Church, followed by a ‘Celebratory Tea’ in the Jubilee Room provided by the SVP. If you could help by being a volunteer driver for someone who is housebound, please contact Kathleen Murray, or Marjorie.


If you chance to stroll around the garden at St. Joseph’s, you will see the new Remembrance plaque in memory of those who had roses dedicated in their memories. Obviously with the passing of time, these roses – and stakes – were difficult to maintain, and so it was decided to have one memorial plaque dedicated to all these names. It's very lovely, and special thanks must go to our Buildings Committee, and in particular Tom Hoban, for organising this marvellous permanent fixture. Apologies to those who have struggled with the sound system at St. Joseph’s. I have become aware that the volume is very inadequate, especially for those dependent on the loop system. It will be addressed. Readers please note. Since letting you know that we hope to return to Holy Communion under both kinds soon, I have listened to opinions of caution expressed, especially from Ministers of the Eucharist. I am very grateful for your opinions and fully understand the fears. Let’s therefore defer this decision until later. Thanks.

‘Truth’ by John Masefield

1. Man with his burning soul

Has but an hour of breath

To build a ship of truth

In which his soul may sail —

Sail on the sea of death,

For death takes toll

Of beauty, courage, youth,

Of all but truth.

2. Life's city ways are dark,

Men mutter by; the wells

Of the great waters moan.

O death! O sea! O tide!

The waters moan like bells;

No light, no mark,

The soul goes out alone

On seas unknown.

3. Stripped of all purple robes,

Stripped of all golden lies,

I will not be afraid,

Truth will preserve through death.

Perhaps the stars will rise —

The stars like globes;

The ship my striving made

May see night fade.

About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561

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