Here are the minutes from the AGM meeting held Tuesday 20th June. Attached are the accompanying reports.
Durham Martyrs’ Parish Council Annual General Meeting 20 June 2023
Welcome – John thank you for attending this evening.
Apologies received Joe Hughes, Joanna Pallister, Leanne Hesletine
1 Opening prayer
Fr Colm opened the meeting with a prayer.
2 Chairperson’s Report – John Thompson
At the last AGM in 2022 several issues were identified for the forthcoming year. We
considered how as a Parish we could move forward and return to pre Covid activity across
the many groups who make up our community. We have seen a gradual return to Parish life
although the impact of the Covid pandemic has left its legacy. The return of volunteers has
been slow and this has affected the ability to offer the level of support and service we as a
Parish have been proud of delivering in the past. Work is ongoing in encouraging new
volunteers. As a Parish we have a diverse profile with a broad cultural basis, this needs to
be reflected in the ministries we offer. The reintroduction of the international meal has
proved popular and shows a Parish which reflects the importance of sharing our cultural
backgrounds and brings about greater inclusivity. The international meal is not the only
example of this, a further example is the choir.
A further challenge is how we can encourage people back into church. Attendance is lower
but this is not unique to the Parish of the Durham Martyrs. It is reflected across the diocese
and nationally. It is not specific to age although physical evidence of those attending
services clearly identifies the absence of younger people including primary and secondary
education. This is an area where much discussion has taken place and is ongoing. There is
a debate as to how as a Parish we can address this issue. It is not only the Parish who bears
sole responsibility in addressing this issue but encouragement and support from parents and
family is important. Education is equally important and the role of Religious Education is
fundamental in helping our young people to understand the relevance of faith in society and
the church. Academisation, in particular the Bishop Wilkinson Trust responsible for the
schools within our Parish community, must ensure the Principles and ethos of Religious
Education remains strong within the school curriculum. The Parish of the Durham Martyrs is
well represented on the Governing committees within the four Schools.
I do not intend to go into detail regarding the Parish finances and will leave that to Tom
Harrison. However, as a Parish we are grateful for the generosity shown by Parishioners
who support and contribute financially to the Parish and its’ upkeep.
The challenge of succession planning continues, the age profile of volunteers is pointing to
the higher end of the scale. The need to encourage volunteers to supplement our various
Parish teams remains an ongoing challenge.
The work of Br John and Br Paul respectively, is well recognised and received across the
City and their support within the Durham Martyrs is appreciated.
Changes in the PPC membership have occurred – we said goodbye to Katie. During her
time working in the Parish, Katie developed a very broad role supporting and working with
many of the groups within the Durham Martyrs. Her involvement with the youth was seen as
an opportunity to reconnect with the ethos of Catholic life. Tom Harrison took on the role of
Financial Director and we welcome his experience in guiding the Parish to more positive
times. After 10 years Margaret has decided to hang up her pen and close her book and is
stepping down from the Parish Council. Margaret has guided the Parish through very
challenging times and she will be missed by all on Council. I understand Margaret is not
disappearing totally but will remain active within the Parish.
Reports Section
A. Financial Report – Tom Harrison provided a written report of the Parish
Finances, he highlighted several areas including energy cost and
maintenance which will impact on the finances of the Parish. Tom informed
the meeting of the introduction of a debit/credit card reader as a supplement
to the planned giving and loose plate collections. It is not a replacement as
the greatest percentage of offering are via standing order which benefits the
Parish through tax reclaim.
B. Health and Safety and Buildings Committee Report – Mary Harrison
provided a written report regarding health and safety issues, building and
grounds maintenance and ongoing work. There was a short report regarding
St Bede’s Cemetery, Tom Hoban informed the meeting of discussions which
are taking place with Dream Heritage, a charitable organisation who are
involved in reclaiming and restoring areas of historical and local interest.
C. Reports from Groups in the Parish. All written reports were available to
view on the evening of the AGM.
I. Bereavement Support Group - Margaret Wallace provided a written
update of the Bereavement Support Group, this was supported by a
short verbal report on events and support provided over the past year,
including a return to the Memorial Sunday Mass and memorial
services. Monthly meetings continue.
II. Inclusive Church Group - Graham Donachie provided a written
report for the meeting along with a verbal update of recent
developments regarding the group. The group is expanding and a
request for volunteers was made. Links have been established in the
community and with local GP practices. Feedback is very positive, and
the Cafe continues to meet on the second Tuesday of the month.
III. Lunch Clubs (Kathleen Murray) Kathleen reported that the lunch club
continues to meet each Wednesday, however, volunteer drivers are still
required to help with transport.
IV. Parish Support Fund (Joe Hughes) A written report was submitted outlining
the status of the fund
V. St Godric’s Steering Group (Joe Hughes) A Written report was submitted
outlining future events including Heritage open days and Lumierre. Report
available along with the minutes of the AGM.
E. Amendments to constitution
No changes had been proposed.
F Announcement of current membership of Parish Council and Committees
Parish Council members
Fr Colm
Standing Committee Chairs
• Finance – Tom Harrison
• Building – Mary Harrison
• Liturgy – Vacant
• Social – Maria Melia
Foundation Members
• Graham Donachie
• Tom Hoban
• Mike McNally
• Vacant
Elected Members
• Emma Turnbull
• Cynthia Dunn
• Joanna Pallister
• John Thompson
• Tony Power
Safeguarding Representative
• Kathleen Murray
Regularly invited Guests
• Leanne Heseltine re website
• Joe Hughes re Parish Support Fund
Vice-Chair - vacant