Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 15 Dec 2022
Fr Colm, Br Paul, Br John, Joe Hughes, John Thompson, Leanne Heseltine, Tom Hoban, Kathleen Murray, Joanna Pallister, Graham Donachie, Margaret Wallace.
1. Fr Colm opened the meeting with a prayer
2. Apologies – Mary Harrison, Tony Power, Mike McNally, Maria Melia, Emma Turnbull,
3. Review of last meeting – The minutes of the September meeting were accepted as a true record there were no matters arising.
4. Chair’s feedback – It was noted that since the September meeting Parish life continues to return to a pre-covid level of activity.
5. Finance feedback – an update was provided on the current status of the Finance group. Changes introduced by the Diocese including the process of submitting Parish accounts are being reviewed by the group.
6. Building Committee feedback – maintenance issues at St Joseph’s and St Godric’s premises continue. There have been some heating problems in both Churches, which have now been resolved.
A loosened slate on St Godric’s Tower roof was speedily dealt with by Stones, the roofing contractor who came out promptly to repair the problem. Leaks on the roof above the storage rooms have been repaired, but leaks continue above the Lady Altar at St Godric’s. A lighting assessment at St Godric’s has been carried out in preparation for replacing now defunct lightbulbs with LED’s.
Investigations continue into an area of sunken tarmac in front of the Presbytery and in the car park St Joseph’s. Sections of the copper roof above the side altar were stolen and discussion regarding the installing of CCTV is ongoing. The trees to the rear of the car park have been removed due to overgrowth and encroaching onto neighbouring properties.
St Bede’s Cemetery – discussions regarding the upkeep and maintenance is ongoing.
St Joesph’s Memorial Rose Garden - a memorial plaque is to be displayed in the rose garden as a memorial to all those who have had a rose planted in their memory. The rose garden will now be made good and replanting carried out by the gardening service.
Health and Safety matters/ Parish Hospitality - food safety training , 10 Parishioners completed the level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene Couse in September 2022. It has been proposed that the kitchen at the rear of St Joseph’s is upgraded in order to extend hospitality provision.
Resuscitation Training - 22 Parishioners attended a very successful evening with a First Aid trainer who presented an informative and “hands on” training session in resuscitation and the use of defibrillators. It was noted that portable defibrillators are positioned near to St Joseph’s by the club Mill Lane, Simon Berry’s opticians and the chemist shop. A defibrillator is available at tesco North Road accessible by St Godric’s.
7. Liturgy Committee feedback – arrangements for the Christmas services are complete. Children’s liturgy has recommenced and is well attended, however, it is due to a small but dedicated number of volunteers that the children’s liturgy can be offered, more volunteers are required, if you are able to help please contact the Parish Secretary.
8. Social Committee feedback – the support provided in organising the farewells for Fred and Helen Haywood and Katie Flood was much appreciated.
9. St Godric’s Steering Group feedback – It was noted that the group were involved in looking to organise several artistic and musical events. Discussion is ongoing as to how St Godric’s Church could be used as a venue for other community based events.
A parish handbook is in the process of being produced, it is intended to be made available for use as a reference point, it will be a live document and will be available on the Parish website when complete.
Welcoming and hospitality were discussed and work is in progress to explore ways in which this activity can be enhanced, hospitality is available at St Godric’s following the 9am Sunday Mass. Hospitality will commence at St Joseph’s as soon as a team can be organised. Further discussion focused on establishing a group of volunteers who would form a welcoming group to greet people who may be new to the Parish, visitors or returning back to Mass following the impact of Covid. It was agreed that more volunteers are required to help with the hospitality aspect. Two members of the Parish Council will take this project forward.
Discussion took place regards the availability of a ‘warm space’, it was agreed that this would be offered on a Wednesday afternoon commencing the first Wednesday in January 2023 which will be 4th January commencing at 1.45pm – 4pm. The day and time were chosen to accommodate a slot not covered by other agencies/services. A group of volunteers have been identified to take this initiative forward.
A review of Covid restrictions took place and it was agreed that with immediate effect the wearing of face coverings by the Priest and Minister at the distribution of Holy Communion is no longer required. However, it was agreed that hand sanitisation should continue to be encouraged on arrival to and departure from church.
Next Meeting – 21st March 2023, 7pm