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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 27th September 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 27 Sept 2022


Fr Colm, Br Paul, Katie Flood, Joe Hughes, John Thompson, Leanne Heseltine, Tom Hoban, Maria Melia, Kathleen Murray, Joanna Pallister, Graham Donachie, Emma Turnbull, Margaret Wallace, Fred Haywood.

1. Fr Colm opened the meeting with a prayer

2. Apologies – Mary Harrison, Tony Power, Mike McNally,

3. Review of last meeting – it was acknowledged that since the last Council meeting several issues have been resolved including the further lifting of Covid restrictions.

4. Chair’s feedback – There has been a noticeable return to the weekend Mass, whilst a greater degree of normality has returned, it is important to remain vigilant to the potential risk of contracting Covid, the continued use of hand sanitiser is one example.

5. Finance feedback – A show of thanks was offered to Fred for agreeing to oversee the Finances of the Parish following a change in the structure of the Finance committee. Fred will be supported by Janet Nichol. It was noted that the system introduced by the Diocese for recording the financial records of the Parish was proven a little challenging and requires a different format to that of previous years. Fred is awaiting permission to access the Diocesan website. There has been a slight increase in the weekly income, as a result of the reintroduction of the loose plate, although there is a potential short coming at the end of the financial year 2022 -23.

A report from Joe Hughes chair of the Support group highlighted the potential for the need of support during the coming months to individual facing challenging choices over the next few months.

6. Health and Safety and Building Committee feedback – Tom gave an update on the grounds around St Bede’s Presbytery, the grass cutting has recommenced, this has improved the appearance of the area and allows a clearer view of the property. The concept of wildflower planting is under discussion however, it is not just a matter of allowing vegetation to grow unrestricted but a matter of sustainable management of the area. St Bede’s cemetery, this is ongoing and awaiting a meeting to be arranged with Dream Heritage which could result in some help.

Tom informed the Council that the arrangement for Resuscitation training is ongoing, and a resus trainer is being sought. There was further discussion regarding the location of available defibrillators especially the proximity to both St Joseph and Our Lady of Merc y and St Godric church.

A notice regarding the Rose garden at St Joseph’s had been placed in the bulletin with a limited response received, the work planned for the removal of the roses is ongoing and how best retain the plaques. Several Parishioners have completed the update required for the food standard and hygiene requirements to recommence hospitality in the Parish. The weekly lunch clube will benefit greatly from this development, however, there is a need for volunteer drivers to enable parishioners to attend, if you are able to help please contact Kathleen Murray.

7. Liturgy feedback – overall the liturgy within the Parish continues through the support of a core group of individuals, the reintroduction of the Children’s liturgy is reminder to us of how important and integral the children are to the life of the Parish. There has been a marked increase in the numbers attending weekend masses and it is considered this is a result of the recommencement of the

children’s liturgy. A huge thanks to Julie Wilmore and those who have given their time in helping with the delivery of the liturgy. If you are able to help with the children’s liturgy please contact with Julie.

8. Social Committee feedback – the social evening celebrating the contribution Fred and Helen Haywood have given to the Parish over the past 30yrs was outlined by Maria. It was hoped that similar events would take place in the future, not necessarily as a consequence of individual appreciation to be celebrated but as a means of creating stronger bonds across the Parish of the Durham Martyrs.

9. Youth Ministry feedback – Katie provided feedback on the Confirmation programme which is going well and around 40 young people will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 30th October 2022. The Alpha Series will be taking a short break from the end of October and with a view to restart in spring 2023. School visits have been ongoing during Katie’s term of office and have proved very popular with pupils and staff. Finally, Katie offered a huge expression of thanks to all who have supporterd her during her role in the Parish and the warmth of the welcome she received and continued to receive during her time with the Parish of the Durham Martyrs. Fr Colm thanked Katie on behalf of the Parish Council and the Parishioners of Durham Martyrs for the huge effort put in by Katie in creating and developing a number of initiatives to the benefit of all involved.

10. St Godric’s Steering Group feedback - Kathleen informed the Council of the outcome of the Durham Heritage days and the uptake in the visits to St Godric’s Church.

11. Parish Council “Communications” - it was agreed that we will provide a briefing note to the be read out at Masses.

· 17:00 – Margaret

· 9:00 – Tom

· 11:00 – John T

12. AOB

· Covid restrictions – it is anticipated that the Offertory procession will commence in the near future.

· A discussion regarding the role vacated by Katie took place it was agreed a core group should be established in taking this issue froward, including a proposal that the role may incorporate a wider involvement within the Parish, the discussions are ongoing. A core group would consist of Fr Colm, Maria Melia Erica Smith Emma Turnbull, Joe Hughes and coopted members if and when required.

· A proposal was made to consider the availability of a ‘warm environment’ such as parish rooms, it was agreed that this should be explored in the wider context of what was being offered by other churches and agencies across the city.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Next Meeting - 13th December 2022, 7pm venue tbc.

About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561

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