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Thought from Fr. Colm - 11/03/22

The Ukraine consumes much of our thoughts and prayers, with daily news of appalling tragedy. Perhaps it’s the proximity of this large country that affects us more. The unprecedented exodus of refugees impacts on us. We continue to hope that tolerance and compassion, rather than fear and red tape, prevail in welcoming those desperate for sanctuary. Well done to all students and their families in our primary and secondary schools of the parish who are members of the Bishop Wilkinson Trust for their efforts in collecting essentials for the Ukraine. As there now appears to be a glut of clothing collected, perhaps its best, at this point, to provide cash that will be properly channelled to alleviate the suffering and so, our second collection this weekend is for those suffering the consequences of this unnecessary war. Thank you for your support. I realise other charities rely on our help at this time, especially Cafod, so we’ll simply delay that for the moment, as the Ukraine is a priority right now. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be made each Sunday of Lent specifically for the intention of peace in the Ukraine. Do encourage it, especially family visits, no matter how brief those visits might be, they are important.We hope to return to St. Leonard’s for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. This will be especially important this year as we gather as One Parish to both remember what we have all been through with Covid, and in particular, those no longer with us and in the spirit of the resurrection to move forward with renewed hope.


About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561


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