We had a good parish meeting last Saturday. It was very productive with specific actions outlined. The notes from the meeting are included inside this newsletter.
Sadly, we lost a great pastoral priest this week with the death of Fr. Cornelius O’Connor. Affectionally known as Nelius, he hailed from Co. Kerry and life outside the Diocese revolved around his family and friends.
His connections throughout the Diocese were many. A regular telephone caller, he always loved to know how you were, and what was going on, regularly returning to his old parishes for funerals. Perhaps his unique gifts were his work as a hospital chaplain. He would literally storm a ward greeting all and sundry, irrespective of denomination. Sensitive by nature, he could be outspoken and didn’t suffer fools gladly.
A keen golfer, he never lost his love of Gaelic football. May he rest in peace.
Can I remind all who are enrolling on the course for readers that the parish will cover the cost.