The Climate Conference in Glasgow continues to present a sign of hope. Pope Francis in his Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4 last Saturday, was cautious in his 3-minute slot. He said we all have our own individual responsibility in facing the challenges of climate crisis. How can we respond as parish? Covid continues to lurk around every corner, as if to say, ”I’m still here….”. Our schools can give testimony to that reality. However, life must go on. The responsibility on our stewards to ensure your safety has been very great. As we ease off with restrictions, and possible need for stewarding in church, dare I ask that we all exercise personal responsibility in keeping each other safe? So far, everyone has been great. But we can easily let our guard down. We all desperately want to catch up with chats after Mass etc., both inside and in the entrances to our churches. Please do not. This can impose an unfair burden on the many who feel distancing is still needed but may not wish to offend by saying so.
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