The Parish handbook has been updated
Changes include:
Replaced Parish email address and Website email address
Added Debit/Credit card payment option
Added Br Lixson and Br Lucjan
Added occasional lunches to Bereavement Support
Added to details of Social Events - Christmas Fayre etc
Added Audrey Lane for Altar Linens
Clarified Reader training to Readers as requested by Fr Colm
Amended Children’s Liturgy contact at St Joseph’s from Catherine Hammill to Leanne Taylor
Removed Brian Harland (RIP) and Margaret Harland from Holy Thursday and Altar Linens
Removed Lorraine Scullion from cleaning and flower arranging
Removed Ann Close from Altar server training
Remove Patsy Hopkins from flower arranging
Removed Margaret Wallace from Welcoming
It can be downloaded and viewed here:
There is also a parish leaflet
Replaced Parish email address
Added X (Twitter) handle
It can be downloaded here